22 October 2009

Reminding you to wash your hands this flu season

My job, yeah, it's kind of like that. Bad enough it makes you feel sick working there, but you actually get sick working there because of the diseased pigs that don't wash their hands. I love when I see a guy take a crap, walk out without washing his hands, or even worse a quick rinse that adds insult to injury. Then you see the lousy fuck at the water cooler or coffee machine serving himself up a cup while rubbing that smudge on the water valve, wiping up that drip from the lip of the pot, fingering through the donuts to see what's good, well you get the idea.

Wash your hands, and call out the D-bags for what they are, dirty fucks. The world is a dirty place. Shout them out.

I prefer putting it in business terms for them:

"Hey you dirty fuck, the company spent money on soap so you wouldn't get the rest of us sick with your shit-hands and cause more employee downtime." (Even if a boss or HR cretin hears you, they can relate to that one.)

"We take enough shit around here, we don't need you adding to it. Wash your hands mother fucker." (Suitable for most circumstances. If afraid of a sexual harassment charge, substitute "asshole" for mother fucker. Asshole is unisex.

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