The term "blog" is a contraction of "Web log." "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog as in, “I’m going to blog about this”… which brings me to my rant on stupidity. Where did that come from? The thought that "blog" can make it into the dictionary because a bunch of peckers accept it as a word, and from my stupid boss, and from spammers, and from my repeated use of and in a sentence, and from the stupidity which is rampant and commonly accepted in today's "educated" society. Here's a new word: "Studicker" (pronounced “stew-dik-rrrrr”) that's a contraction of "Stupid Dick Mother Fucker". Start using it, it will catch on, and I want credit for it.
You see, I have come to realize that stupidity is the root of all anger. Whether anger is:
“You did something stupid and I am now angry.”
Or irrational:
“I’m angry because I’m stupid and you’re did something contrary to my beliefs.”
Or pseudo-rational:
“We educated fucks are rallying you stupid fucks to be angry for our cause.”
In the endless journey to perfect my craft, I have learned to ask myself:
- Which category does my anger fall into?
- Am I being manipulated, or called to action against the forces of studickers?
- If my anger is rational, can we resolve this through peaceful discussion, or do I need to flail on you like a killer ninja-monkey?
I’ve learned to ask myself a lot more than that but let’s explore that over the life of this blog, and get back on topic.
I am tired of stupidity, I can't bear it anymore. Every time I encounter stupidity, I wish I could spray Raid on it and make it dead.
I'm in the process of reading a really interesting book… for the past year or two. It caught my eye one day, and I'm glad I picked it up, since it is out of print. The book is "It's Not My Department!: How America Can Return to Excellence Giving and Receiving Quality Service" by Peter Glen.
While reading the first 37 pages, I realized the book is old, stupidity is not a new thing. Stupidity has been around for quite some time. It has burrowed its way into normal accepted life for the past 20 years or so, and then the internet spread it like wildfire, along with all the good and educational stuff. It was there all throughout history, and it is generally acknowledged that whenever the studickers held the power and the force, well, life was bad.
I guarantee that when you trace back the timeline of your anger session, you will find that stupidity found a way to be involved.
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