26 August 2009

The most dangerous woman in the world wide web

This is the face of a cyber-terrorist. Really, it is, and to the right is another shot of this notorious criminal flaunting it on the cover of a terrorist handbook, and instructing you on how to climb mountains in order to evade the authorities.

So Jessica Biel is the most dangerous celebrity to search for this year, since the odds are good if you download her, you're going to catch something on your puter.
To me this is further proof no one will ever do anything worthwhile about all the crap on the internets. Yes the internets. The internets is full of wonderful things, and 900 billion bad ones.
Has anyone asked themselves why all the major search engines do not proactively scan your
search results and block all the bad ones? Or why ISP's who know there is infected traffic coming from a customer, don't shut down the customer? Or why the customers don't perform the simplest acts to ensure their computer safety? We know if Microsoft or Apple were to try adding antivirus protection to their OS, someone would scream monopoly, but why is there no built-in... oh wait, Microsoft does have something like that but it's too hard to turn it on right?
Fuck it, why ask? We can just blame Ms. Biel. I hope she sues everyone for loss of advertising revenue.
Here's a tip though, if you take care of your computer, give it a good cleaning and some decent, free anti-virus software, you can download all the Jessica Biel you want.
Can't we turn this positive and have her do a PSA about computer safety? Somebody would actually watch that PSA.

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