06 September 2009

I am not dead

I am not dead. I am merely so frustrated and angered over the past 2 weeks that I cannot even write about it right now. It has been a challenge to keep the anger in check. It is as if the universe has sanctioned some mission that would create a perfect storm of triggers to test me. I would not say this will be my greatest challenge in life, but there is definitely a dungeon boss Challenging me to level up. Needless to say, lack of sleep, work, personal life, and various disasters don't mix. I try to keep bystanders out of the crossfire, but when you have a raging bull in a full charge, if you jump in front of it and try more of the same tactics that fired it up in the first place, you just became a combatant. I feel like that guy from Heroes who's trying not to go nuclear and blow up. Whoever that guy is that has that power now, I lost track. Someone cue up last season for me.

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